Stephen Moore, the gold bug economics writer nominated by Trump for the board of the Federal Reserve, has a history of making racist and misogynist statements. For example, in 2000 he told C-Span:
"It's not a good thing that black women are making more than black men today. In fact, the male needs to be the breadwinner of the family, and one of the reasons I think you've seen the decline of the family, not just in the black community, but also it's happening now in the white community as well, is because women are more economically self-sufficient. So, I would like to see an increase in black earnings because black men have not closed the gap as much as black women have."
And after Trump was elected, Moore told an audience how much he "loved" a racist joke about the Obama family:
"By the way, did you see, there's that great cartoon going along? A New York Times headline: 'First Thing Donald Trump Does As President Is Kick a Black Family Out of Public Housing,' and it has Obama leaving the White House. I mean, I just love that one. Just a great one."
This week, when Moore was interviewed by PBS and shown video clips of his statements, he seemed to have trouble defending them.
.@StephenMoore explains his 2016 joke about Donald Trump moving into the White House and kicking "a black family out of public housing." Moore says, "That is a joke I always made," adding he didn't mean it "like a black person" lived there. "I shouldn't have said it," he says.
— Firing Line with Margaret Hoover (@FiringLineShow) April 30, 2019
.@StephenMoore said "the male needs to be the breadwinner of the family" in 2000. He now says he "shouldn't have said that." Watch how he puts it now.
— Firing Line with Margaret Hoover (@FiringLineShow) April 30, 2019
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