[UPDATED 6/20/2019, 5:21pm PT: Kevin Fountain, director of media relations for Little League International wrote to tell us "this altercation did not take place at a program affiliated with Little League. 'Little League' is a registered trademark of Little League Baseball, Incorporated, and listed in the AP Styleguide. That phrase may only be used in reference to Little League International or a local Little League program that is affiliated with Little League International. It may not be used as a generic term describing youth sports. As this incident did not take place within the Little League program, I respectfully ask that you replace all references of Little League to youth baseball." We have done as Mr. Fountain requests and regret the error.]
On a nice afternoon in Lakewood, Colorado, parents attending their seven-year-old children's baseball game decided that the best way to deal with a controversial call made by the 13-year-old umpire was to storm the field, scream, and hit one another.
From Deadspin:
Lakewood (Colo.) Police handed out issued four citations for disorderly conduct, and are still seeking suspects for potentially more serious charges, after 15–20 grown-ups got into a big ol' brawl in the middle of a 7-year-olds' baseball game this weekend.
The cause of the fight? According to police, one parent was upset with calls made by the game's 13-year-old umpire. Things devolved quickly, and in a really depressing moment at around four seconds of the video, you can see the children in the field fleeing for safety.
In the background, you can hear a woman making a personal request to Jesus Christ to stop the brawl. The video ends before we can see whether or not the son of God arrived and intervened.