Cooking Price-Wise

Cookbooks by Vincent and Mary Price are amongst my very favorite.

This new edition of Cooking Price-Wise is certainly a family affair. Originally published as a compendium of recipes shared on Price's titular UK television programme 'Cooking Price-Wise,' daughter Victoria and son V.B. have both added memories, stories and personal anecdotes that make this the version to own.

The Price Family's cookbooks are marvelous. In addition to being an authority on art, cuisine and a wonderful actor, Vincent Price was a master storyteller. Recipes are recollection! They involve tales of their origin or other anecdotes that make the dish more than just delicious as prepared.

Cooking Price-Wise is no different! This wonderful book is jammed to the brim with recipes and Price family history. Victoria Price included sections of The New Dr. Price Cook Book and shares the story of Dr. Vincent Clarance Price, the grandfather of Vincent Price, who invented Baking Powder and began a long culinary legacy.

Organized by the types of food Vincent Price was working with during the filming of his UK based TV show, there is a section on Bacon.

Due to the nature of his programme, all the ingredients were generally available in most UK markets at the time of filming. Price and the writers were absolutely certain they needed to make these dishes accessible to the folks who were watching, so generally, you will not go off on a wild goose chase although internet ordering has made that less an issue in many places.

I will be trying recipes from this book for a long, long time.

Cooking Price-Wise: A Culinary Legacy (Calla Editions) Hardcover – Special Edition, October 18, 2017 via Amazon

Previously on Boing Boing:

Mary and Vincent Price's incredible recipe book

Another awesome cookbook from Mary and Vincent Price