A Swiss tourist ate acid and disappeared into the vortex that is Disneyland Paris. He was spat out just under a mile away from the park, naked.
For hours, worried Disneyland employees combed the park, but there was no sign of the Swiss engineer. He hadn't climbed onto the pirate ship, or hopped on the Indiana Jones and the Temple of Peril ride, or hauled himself onto Pirates' Beach. The search party came to include 10 divers, 10 policemen, 30 firefighters and 80 Disneyland Paris employees, Le Parisien reported. By then, it had grown dark, making it harder for them to peer into the lagoon circling Adventureland, and dogs and a police helicopter with a thermal camera were brought in for backup.
Early the next morning, as the search continued, a 44-year-old man driving home from work came across an odd sight in the town of Chessy, a little more than a mile from Disneyland Paris.
"I came face to face with a naked man," the driver, who asked only to be identified as Benoit, told Le Parisien. "He was walking in the middle of the road. He did not have a centimeter of clothes on him and he was barefoot."
My late 20s may or may not have involved generous experimentation with psychedelics while visiting Disneyland.