A New Way to Consume CBD – Introducing Oral Strips

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The new buzz word in all things health related is certainly CBD, less known as cannabidiol, one of the compounds found in a cannabis plant. Consuming CBD has become more and more mainstream, and the methods of consumption are changing with the times. Many people are interested in the much talked about health benefits CBD are thought to have, but they haven't found the best way to take it without getting a hemp aftertaste. Well, remember those handy Listerine strips that always saved your breath but didn't do much more? Now you can get the same minty freshness, and with the added benefits of CBD from Blue Ribbon Hemp.

Blue Ribbon Hemp is a new CBD company specializing in products for seniors. Founded by Richard Cowan, a long-time CBD and cannabis advocate, and Dr. Igor Bussel, M.D., M.S., M.H.A is a clinician-scientist and ophthalmic surgeon. The two have crafted a range of high quality CBD products from oral strips to capsules and lotions.

One of the fastest and easiest ways to consume hemp-based products with an immediate effect is through oral consumption. An oral strip, made of an incredibly thin layer of "paper," is water soluble. Because of this, the amazing plant benefits packed into the small strip instantly get absorbed sublingually to your bloodstream. Instead of eating something and waiting for it to pass the digestive system, oral strips instantly dissolve upon contact with water or saliva. With the active ingredients being absorbed so quickly the beneficial effects can be felt almost right away. Not to mention, now your breath smells great too!

Not only do oral strips offer fast acting relief, they deliver the perfect dose of CBD in each strip. Each containing 15mg of cannabidiol isolate, and zero THC, they can sometimes aid in maintaining healthy sleep patterns, recovering from inflammation and restoring a sense of calm or focus.

If you have struggled to find the best way to consume CBD for your lifestyle, Blue Ribbon Hemp Menthol Oral Strips could be the golden ticket for you. Conveniently packed, easily storable, tasty and most importantly effective. With 15mg of CBD per strip, residual solvent and pesticide free, they deliver a fast acting relief you can count on.

Check out Blue Ribbon Hemp for CBD products you can count on. Backed by third-party lab results, each CBD oral strip, tincture and lotion is crafted with your care in mind.