Meet Skipper, an adorable puppy born with six legs

This is Skipper, a six-legged puppy that veterinarians say is doing pretty well so far. According to vets at Oklahoma City's Neel Veterinary Hospital, Skipper also has two tails, two lower urinary tracts, and two reproductive systems. She has congenital conjoining disorder—Skipper had a twin that did not entirely separate during development in utero.

"She nurses well and is growing appropriately so far," the vets report on Facebook. "All of her legs move and respond to stimulus just like a normal puppy. Its possible she may need physical therapy and assistance with mobility as she gets older. We will continue to research her conditions, monitor her development during rechecks and help keep Skipper pain-free and comfortable for the rest of life. She is doing well at home now."

Here is a GoFundMe to help Skipper's humans pay for her vet bills.

image: Neel Veterinary Hospital