If you're going to trust a program to serve as your critical antivirus shield against all the evils out there on the web (and you definitely need to trust somebody), it never hurts to bet on experience. Intego has been in the digital security game since 1997 — and nearly 25 years of protecting home computers and other vulnerable systems has definitely taught them a few things about handling that all-important job.
A world-class antivirus process, Intego Antivirus strips your PC of any clingy, destructive malware, spyware, adware, ransomware, and all those other troublesome wares in a matter of minutes. While it's effective in removing those unwanted elements from your devices, it's equally unwavering in deflecting and eliminating those threats before they actually attack your computer, thanks to a combination of the latest malware engines and behavioral analysis.
Users can safely browse and shop online behind the Intego Web Shield, which keys in on phishing attacks, fake websites, and other malware so it's blocked quickly to keep your PC uninfected at all times. Meanwhile, Intego's advanced Prevention Engine ensures the latest ransomware and Zero-Day attacks fail as well, blocking those attempts that most traditional antivirus software can't detect or stop.
That level of experience and expertise is why Intego Antivirus is a favorite of tech media and antivirus checkers such as VirusBulletin, who have verified Intego with a 100 percent detection rate. And after years on the beat, they've also developed a proud cadre of supporters on platforms like Trustpilot as well, earning an aggregate score of 4.8 out of 5 from nearly 1,000 reviewers.
Right now, shoppers can enlist the services of Intego Antivirus for themselves at healthy savings off the usual price. Regularly $47, a one-year subscription to Intego Antivirus is now almost 40 percent off, available for just $29.99 for 12 months.