Airplane anti-maskers account for 75% of unruly passenger complaints and are becoming more emboldened and belligerent. The TSA is increasing its fines for people who refuse to wear them on flights. Will it work?
The Transportation Security Administration on Thursday said it is doubling fines for travelers who won't follow a federal mask mandate for air, bus and other forms of transportation. Minimum fines will double, starting at $500, and go up to $3,000 for repeat offenders.
The Biden administration last month extended the federal mask mandate for air, bus and train travel through Jan. 18 in an effort to slow the spread of Covid-19 as infections surged around the country. It had been set to expire in mid-September
Someone who buys expensive air tickers, gets up early and goes through the tiring rigmarole of getting to the airport in time, enduring security checks, waiting and boarding only to flip out and refuse to wear a mask is not going to change that behavior because the fine went from $250 to $500.