The Apple Incident is a short animation by Kunio Kato about a gloomy city that is affected by some surreal happenings. One day, gigantic apples begin raining down from the sky. When the humans decide to eat them, they grow apples out of their heads. The eerie ambient music combined with the apples slowly drifting down from the heavans makes me think of a UFO invasion, but in the form of giant fruits. I have to admit, these mysterious apples spooked me!
The Apple Incident is an intriguing short animation about a gloomy city invaded by flying apples
- animation
Surreal stratacut animation by Ellard Devane
In this awe-inspiring clay slicing animation by Ellard Devane, a 90 degree rotating car spins around in the middle of a moving background of psychedelic patterns and colors. I've been… READ THE REST
The trailer for "Flow" shows a different kind of buddy animal film
The beginning of the Flow trailer could be a sequel to Stray or Little Kitty, Big City, both cat video games I loved. Instead, it introduces us to a cast… READ THE REST
Anime character breaks free: Watch her hijack 3D software in video
Over on X-Formerly-Known-As-Twitter, 3D modeling artist Kensyouen Y posted this fascinating animation of an anime character reaching through the screen to interact with the UI of their animation software to… READ THE REST
Double Barrel 720p Digital Night Vision Binoculars
TL;DR: See your favorite outdoor sights in pitch-black darkness and bright light with these double barrel night vision binoculars, now $104.97 (reg. $297)! If you love exploring the outdoors, you might feel… READ THE REST
Your productivity can increase tenfold with this AI-powered app!
TL;DR: With the Ultiself app, you can create your most optimal routine and build better habits—all built by you!—for only $19.99 (reg. $47). Be honest with us. Are you still dragging your… READ THE REST
Windows 11 Pro is the gaming upgrade you never knew you needed
TL;DR: Microsoft's most up-to-date and gamer-friendly OS, Windows 11 Pro, is now on sale for only $19.97 (reg. $199) through September 29! Nothing's better than shutting down your work laptop to… READ THE REST