To impress his Q and far-right followers, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has put on quite the show since early March, attacking Disney first for its support of LGBTQ rights, and then for "injecting sexuality" into its cartoons. But the performance artist has had no qualms about accepting – and keeping – $100,000 in Disney contributions over the last couple of years.
According to the Herald-Tribune, some Republican politicians – "including state Rep. Joe Harding, who sponsored HB 1557, and state Rep. Randy Maggard" — have returned Disney contributions since the company opposed the "Don't Say Gay" bill, but DeSantis seems to be keeping his pockets tightly zipped.
From the Herald-Tribune:
DeSantis' political committee received three contributions from Disney totaling $100,000 and a $6,809 in-kind contribution for "food and beverage," likely catering for a fundraiser or some other campaign event. Disney gave DeSantis $50,000 in 2019 and $50,000 in 2021. …
Yet while DeSantis repeatedly has criticized Disney since then, and also has fought back with legislation punishing the company, there is no indication he has refunded the company's contributions, as some other GOP lawmakers have.
The governor's political committee didn't issue any refunds to Disney in March, according to campaign finance data posted on the Florida Division of Elections website.
April campaign finance data is not available yet through the Division of Elections, but the governor's committee has data through April 22 posted on its own website, and doesn't list any refunds to Disney as of that date.
In mid-March Disney announced it was suspending all political contributions in Florida.