Yahoo News reports that a Missouri woman sued her ex's car insurance company, Geico, after contracting an STD while having sex in his car. Thanks to the Missouri council of appeals, the woman won a $5.2 million dollar judgment against the insurance company.
The insurance company declined the settlement, sending the case to arbitration.
In May 2021, the arbitrator found that the man and woman had sex inside his vehicle that "directly caused, or directly contributed to cause" the HPV infection. The man was found liable for not disclosing his infection status and the woman was awarded $5.2 million for damages and injuries to be paid by GEICO.
The insurance company filed motions seeking a new hearing of the evidence and for the award to be tossed out, saying the judgment violated the company's rights to due process and the arbitration agreement was unenforceable. The company appealed after those requests were denied.
I wonder how Geico will spin this into a funny ad.