Known as the "Perfect Intro" guy, Clay Hebert shares the simple formula that helps people better answer the ubiquitous question, "So, what do you do?"
Do you have an unforgettable answer to that question? We introduce ourselves all the time, and if we're honest, we usually blow it. Answering this question poorly is the most frequent mistake we make, and the easiest to fix. The Elevator Pitch is dead. Nobody wants your business card…yet. After meeting one of his heroes and blowing his introduction, Clay Hebert has been obsessed with how we introduce ourselves and tell our story. In this short but powerful talk, Clay will share his Perfect Intro framework that has helped thousands of entrepreneurs, leaders, and brands craft better intros, tell compelling stories, and be unforgettable. Clay Hebert wants you to love your story.
I've done this exercise in the past and my answer, for my work in blogging anyway, is "I bring things to people's attention." (swissmiss)