The shadow of the villain still looms large. It's been a couple of years since MF DOOM sadly passed away, but the rapper's legend has continued to grow in the aftermath of his death. Although DOOM has been the mastermind behind a staggering array of bangers since donning the metal mask, his song Rapp Snitch Knishes has gained new life as a meme. Originally from his album Mm…Food, Rapp Snitch Knishes' catchy loop has found its way into classic Simpson sequences and George Carlin bits. The memes have allowed a new generation of fans to discover the brilliance of the late MF DOOM.
In the video linked above, the band OMA, performs a live rendition of Rapp Snitch Knishes from their YouTube channel. Even though the song is great, and I'm glad DOOM is gaining some posthumous attention, I can't wait until the internet discovers the masterpiece that is Kon Queso.