Instagram's TouronsOfYellowstone calls out some of the ignorant (or worse) tourists who disrespect U.S. national parks. "Tourist + Moron = Touron!! I spend some time in both YNPđź’›& the Tetons, & it never ceases to AMAZE me how stupid people are!" she says in her bio.
In her latest post (video below), she watches with frustration as a small group of visitors at Estes Park, CO ignore the park's recommendation of standing at least 25 yards away from elk at all times. Instead, the group — and especially two men with cameras — have obliviously approached an anxious bull elk who is protecting his harem.
"Please kill him," she says sarcastically, as if speaking to the elk.
The stressed-out animal, feeling threatened by the photo-hungry tourists, bugles a warning cry before he finally charges one of the photographers. He misses, but just barely.
Front page thumbnail image: Wesley Aston /