What do Nicholas Cage, burning Burger King burgers, Annie Lennox, a parasol, and suburban landscapes have in common? They are some of the props and set for Michael Rayner's (@brokenjuggler) genius skills of balance, drama, and pillow-tossing accuracy.
"Weirdly Experienced," you may have seen Rayner on various variety and talent TV shows or social media outlets – during COVID, he has racked up 100 million views on TikTok and Instagram. Rayner's accounts provide access to his uncanny performances of unconventional juggling. The most popular are spinning umbrellas with a rolling burning donut and/or burger and, in the other hand, a glitter-covered pillow that, when rubbed, reveals the fact of Nicholas Cage. Each short has its brief soundtrack, creating a soundscape with Annie Lennox, G-Mayne Da Wreck, and Johnny Cash. The finale is consummated with Rayner successfully tossing the Cage pillow over his shoulder into a basketball hoop in slow-motion joy.

These shorts rearranged my brain a little bit. I will never look at a donut the same again. Or Nicholas Cage, for that matter. Other versions are equally creative, whacky, and with some strange talents and props, including appearances from squirrels, garden gnomes, and fire juggling tennis rackets. Here is his Youtube channel.
Though it's not all Nicholas Cage and fire.
"Last night Nicolas Cage pillow was in bed sleeping on his Travolta pillow. So I went out side in the shadows and did this." #jugglersquad #basketballplayer #newskills #oldmanstrength #shadows Set to the main theme from Knight Rider.
See if you can find his tribute to skateboarding, set to Kenayeboi, "Tony Hawk."
"Michael's show has been described as "preposterous brilliance" and "wacky jugglement," a combination of hilarious tricks and stunts with uproarious stand-up."