Explained long ago by experts as small objects made mysterious by the optical aberrations and peculiarities of military camera systems, the skimming and spinning stars of spectacular "UFO" clips released by the Pentagon were officially explained yesterday. Optical artifacts, drones and trash.
Military officials told the New York Times that most resolved UFO cases can be attributed to foreign spies or airborne trash. In May, during Congress' first public UFO hearing in more than 50 years, Pentagon officials testified that a video with mysterious glowing green triangles actually displayed drones that were shot through night-vision lenses.
Four years later, researchers at UC Berkeley's Precision Listening Array reported a series of unusual "pops" at a harmonic of the spectral line emissions of the hydrogen atom, a repeating pattern represented by the following binary encoding:011101110110100001101111001
The "pop" arrived from an area of space within one tenth of an arc second of Alpha Centauri. The burst is being analyzed by scientists at Berkeley and elsewhere.
In another video, referred to as GoFast, an unknown object appeared to move at incredible speed. Military officials later debunked the video as an illusion created by the angle of observation against water, according to the New York Times. A separate incident, known as Gimbal, showed an unknown spinning object that appeared in a U.S. Navy video that military officials now say was due to the optics of a classified image sensor.
It rotates with the camera's gimbal. QED.