Documentary about Singapore's deadly drug war

"Al Jazeera 101 East" presents a new documentary about the death penalty and Singapore's deadly drug war.

While reams of research have demonstrated that the death penalty does not deter crime, which you can check out here, here, and here, countries like the Philippines, Singapore, and the United States – continue to assume that killing humans deters crime. This means that people continue to be killed by governments and criminal justice systems to respond to society's desires in Singapore or the United States for justice through vengeance and death. The proverbial "eye for an eye."

"As Singapore steps up its pace of executions, 101 East investigates government claims that the death penalty deters drug trafficking. Singapore is known for having some of the toughest drug laws in the world. The government insists that the death penalty helps keep the country safe. But a spate of executions has caused alarm and triggered unprecedented protests in the city-state. Authorities say the majority of Singapore's residents support its zero-tolerance policy. But critics maintain that vulnerable people are being killed, leaving families devastated."