Here are some terrific compilations of the latest research studies on COVID-19, if you want to stay informed, learn more, or share with friends and loved ones. As Jessica Wildfire, who compiled the research studies, explains:
Two things seem clear at this point. First, the general public vastly underestimates the threat Covid poses to them, nor do they grasp the depth of the government's deception to convince them to disregard their own health for the sake of the economy. Second, nothing is going to change until more people start learning the truth. So I looked for better ways to arrange and share information.
Earlier this month, I started making lists with a social bookmarking app. There's something reassuring about a wall of organized sources. In my experience, it does something to see everything all laid out in a way that's visually accessible. It's hard to ignore the overwhelming evidence.
Want to know more about COVID and how it affects immune systems? Here's a list of studies. Jessica Wildfire explains:
These studies offer compelling, overwhelming evidence that Covid makes you more vulnerable to viral, bacterial, and fungal infections. These studies go back to 2020, which means there was never any legitimacy to the promises of herd or super immunity through vaccination or infection. There's also strong evidence here that Covid does damage on par with HIV. Combined with the first collection, it's clear that repeated infection does nothing but break down your immune system and increase your chances of disabling illness.
Want to know more about COVID and how it affects your body, more generally? Here's a list of studies. Again, Jessica Wildfire explains:
The first collection provides overviews of what Covid does to your brain and body over the long term, and why letting it spread unchecked is a very, very bad idea. This collection covers the impact Covid has on adults and children. It also addresses cardiovascular health and brain damage in multiple age groups, including mild cases and vaccinated people. I've taken time to make brief summaries of each article, focusing on the discussions and conclusions. Sometimes I also include a news piece that describes or comments on the study.
And here are more collections of studies on various topics including "immunity debt," masks and where to buy them, and indoor air quality. To be sure, this reading isn't entertaining. It's not fun to read about the damage COVID-19 can cause. But it's also important to be knowledgeable about the actual reality we are living in. So I'm sharing all of these studies in that spirit.