These 9 mesmerizing hand cranked sound baths were created by artist Virginia Fleck. They're each made from can-tabs that spin around on a hand cranked, metal sphere. Not only does this recycling of everyday objects create a fantastic atmosphere of sound, but they're also a lot of fun to look at in action. Watching the sound baths spin and glisten seems like just as important a part of the experience as the sound itself.
From Instagram
"these are hand-cranked sound baths.
There are 9 hand-cranked sound baths included in my solo exhibition at @northernsouthern gallery in Austin, TX Nov11th – December 18th, 2022 .
✨ I make sculptures and installations that draw on our sensory capacities and inclination for magical thinking. My childhood was steeped in the magical thinking of religious doctrine and the sensory drama of the Catholic Mass.
This body of work made from shiny can-tabs, is grounded in my cargo-cult like fixation with the tabs and belief that wants and wishes are obtainable through ritual acts of devotional labor that I invent and initiate to transform the can-tabs into sensory sculptures."