Students across Florida walked out of universities and some high schools yesterday in protest of authoritarian Gov. Ron DeSantis and his racist, anti-LGBTQ+, anti-American policies.
At University of South Florida, University of Florida, Florida State University, International University in Miami, and many other campuses, teens and young adults — with the support of teachers — rallied against the state's far-right policies that ban diversity programs and limit what educators can teach about history, race, gender, equity and inclusion. Students also protested DeSantis' creepy prying into past health records of students who attend state universities.
From ABC News:
"Ron DeSantis has been on a rampage. He's banning books and flags in classrooms everywhere. He's making sure our history isn't getting taught. He's getting rid of teachers, professors and faculty that look like us and support us," said Nailah Summers, the co-executive director of the Dream Defenders, who publicly called for a statewide day of action, along with the newly formed Stand for Freedom, a coalition of student organizations spanning Florida's college campuses. "He's made it harder to protest, harder to vote, and harder to live in Florida."