Mice genetically engineered to grow tiny deer antlers

Oh deer! Chinese researchers genetically engineered mice to grow tiny deer antlers. They implanted stem cells from deer into the rodents who then grew the appendages. According to the scientists from Northwestern Polytechnical University in Xi'an, the technique could lead to new treatments for bone injuries or, possibly, regrowing lost limbs. From Field & Stream:

The researchers behind the more recent study say that their work extends the catalog of mammalian stem cell systems that are known to science. With these newly-identified stem cell types, they're hoping to expand the capacity of modern medicine. "Our results suggest that deer have an application in clinical bone repair," the authors wrote in the study's conclusion. "Beyond that, the induction of human cells into [anlter-like] cells could be used in regenerative medicine for skeletal injuries or limb regeneration."

"A population of stem cells with strong regenerative potential discovered in deer antlers" (Science)

image: C. Li / J Regen Biol Med. 2020;2(5):1-21