genetics Mutant worms engineered with spider genes spin silk six times tougher than bulletproof Kevlar David Pescovitz
biology This weird mouse with a tuft of human hair could be the future of a stem cell treatment for baldness David Pescovitz
animals For the first time ever, scientists finally crack the code for editing marsupial genes Thom Dunn
genetics Scientists successfully implanted human genes into monkeys to increase their brain mass Thom Dunn
dna Scientists have successfully performed CRISPR gene editing in a live human body for the first time ever Thom Dunn
science fiction Ted Chiang's "Op Ed From the Future": socialized transhumanism vs American oligarchy Cory Doctorow
Delightful Creatures Have you always wanted a pet micropig? This Chinese genetics firm is making one for you Mark Frauenfelder
neuroscience Alzheimer's breakthrough: Cancer drug wakes up sleepy brain cells in mice and human brain cells Mark Frauenfelder