King Linus, an adorable chinchilla, and his human have a very important message for everyone: please don't buy a live animal for Easter. Too many rabbits and other small animals end up being abandoned, and that's terrible for everyone involved. Please share their message far and wide:
Hi Everyone. With Easter just a few days away I wanted to use our platform to encourage anyone considering buying their loved one a live animal for Easter, to instead consider getting a stuffed animal or a chocolate bunny, or even maybe waiting until after the holiday to make that decision. Bunnies and small pets in general are higher maintenance pets than most families anticipate, while also living for many years. It's a big commitment, and often kids tend to lose interest after the thrill of Easter morning fades away. And I think the last thing anyone wants is a family left feeling guilty and a pet left without a home. But if you're really serious about bringing a bunny or small pet into your home to become a member of your family, I would honestly wait a little bit after Easter because there are going to be unfortunately, so many pets that have been abandoned now looking for homes. And this also helps rescues who are taking in an overwhelming amount of surrenders. The small pet community is a small one, but it's growing, and it's really important to me that we have each other's backs. Happy Easter!
If you want to see more of King Linus, go check out his Instagram, where he's often featured holding random objects in the most adorable ways.