It is well-known that the WGA is out on strike against the AMPTP in pursuit of a fair contract. The guild has been vocal and demonstrative in getting their position to the press. But now it seems the WGA is getting a taste of their own medicine. "Seems" being the operative word.
The real members of the AMPTP are much too wealthy and busy to physically take to the streets, so a group of writers used the time-tested weapon of satire against them, posing as a counter protest outside of WGA HQ to dramatize the absurdity of the APMPTP's position.
"Ho ho, hey hey, corporate greed has got to stay!"
The WGA was the first of the major entertainment guilds to strike, but the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) and the Directors Guild of America (DGA) are both in talks about an expiring contract with the AMPTP and may join the WGA on picket lines this summer. Meaning the clever signs may soon be wielded by much more attractive (SAG) and commanding (DGA) protestors.