Does "Patriot" mean someone who wants even more randomly applied rules to live under?
I have to believe that "patriots" have previously discovered HOAs, and that they can be used to torture their neighbors. If the North American "patriot" had a native habitat, it'd be the HOA. A safe space for Karens of any gender to run amok. How long will it be before the HOA board decides Trump flags or some other atrocity must also be flown?
So how does a community organized around patriotism work?
The most visible sign: All 44 homes will be required to fly an American flag 365 days a year. That's the only flag allowed. Not even the state flag of North Carolina, as an original colony, is permitted.
"It was important to us to not have a development that exhibited almost a throw-up of too many colors and garish displays of patriotism," Fankhauser said…
"Great movements are known for their intangible ingredients versus the tangible. And that's what I think excites me about this. It's in the mind," Fankhauser said.
The covenant's preamble reads like a best-of patriotic hits collection. It begins with the first sentence of the Constitution and ends with the last of the Declaration of Independence, but with tweaks like: "The property owners of 1776 at Gastonia mutually pledge to each other our commitment to preserve the founding ideals of 1776 at Gastonia."