Last week, a man turned up at the Yuyao City Fire and Rescue Brigade station in Zhejiang, China with a cloth over his face ranting about something. When he removed the cloth, the emergency crew saw that the fellow had a lightbulb stuck in his mouth. In a not-so-bright move, he had pushed it into his maw after seeing an online challenge. Then the dimbulb couldn't get it out.
From Oddity Central:
After inspecting the man's mouth and assessing the situation, the firemen decided that trying to yank out the glass light bulb was too difficult, as it could cause serious damage to the man's mouth if the glass burst. So they took Mr. Chen to the nearby Yuyao People's Hospital, where a team of doctors realized that the man could not open his mouth wide enough to safely remove the light bulb. So instead, they used a special mouth opener to dislocate his jaw on one side and remove the glass bulb.