President Biden had some fun at Rep. Lauren Boebert's expense today, mocking the slow Colorado lawmaker for vehemently opposing his historic climate bill, only to sing a different tune once she noticed voters in her own district were quite happy with the benefits it offered them.
"In Colorado … CS Wind broke ground on what will be the world's largest wind tower manufacturing plant," the president said while speaking about the Inflation Reduction Act in New Mexico, referring to the clean energy plant being constructed in Pueblo, Colorado — a town that the stable Qongresswoman represents.
"And coincidentally, CS Wind is in Congresswoman Lauren Boebert — you know, that very quiet Republican lady? — it's in her district," he said, leaning into the mike and emphasizing the punchline with his now familiar funny-bit whisper. But he didn't stop there.
"Who, along with every other Republican, voted against this bill," he continued. "And it's making all this [new jobs, tax breaks, rebates] possible, and she railed against this passage. But that's okay, she's welcoming it now," he said, rubbing it in with a triumphant smile.