No one claims to like free speech more than Elon Musk (except for when he's banning people for criticizing him or his cronies). He seems to be taking this vague, hypothetical, situational approach to the idealized concept of 'free speech' to its logical extreme, however, as he's just claimed that he's going to remove blocking from Twitter altogether – for no real reason, naturally.
Given how many promises he's failed to live up to, this is far from a done deal, but removing one of the very few remaining ways Twitter users have to curate the content they see – not to mention get rid of porn bots in their feed – is misguided at best and deeply, unbelievably idiotic at worst. Being able to set those boundaries and remove, say, neo-Nazis or gore spammers from your online experience has always been an essential part of browsing any social media, but Musk seems to want to give harassment, scams and bots unprecedented freedom on his website. It's all in the name of free speech, of course…