Out of the fire, into the frying pan: the meat masters at Hormel donated five truckloads of spam to disaster-stricken Maui.
"Three truckloads of Spam products are on their way to the impacted areas with two more trucks following," Hormel Foods, the company that owns Spam, said. "In all, the Spam brand has donated cash and product with a retail value of more than $1,000,000 to directly help those impacted by the wildfires."
The company said it has partnered with nonprofit group Convoy of Hope to get the cans to where they are needed most.
I've never much liked luncheon meat, but am a connoisseur of circumlocutory journalistic ways of saying that Hawaiians really like spam. CNN: "during World War II, a welcome substitute to meat that was increasingly becoming unaffordable or simply unavailable in the conflict-wracked region."