Since time immemorial, people have promised miracle cures to the unfortunate after-effects of en masse alcohol consumption. Zbiotics is the latest such scheme, a new product that describes itself as a "revolutionary pre-alcoholic probiotic, made with the power of genetic engineering." The idea — as I understand it — is that you drink one of those small bottles (about the size of a 5-Hour Energy) before you embark on a night of heavy boozing, and the genetically engineered dietary supplement contained within will act as a pro-active guardian against the worst ramifications of binge drinking. Or, in the words of the company:
When you drink alcohol, an unwanted byproduct called acetaldehyde forms in your gut, creating particularly rough feelings for you the next morning.
ZBiotics® Pre-Alcohol Probiotic Drink is the only product that breaks down acetaldehyde while you drink, helping you feel better the morning after.
Supposedly, a single bottle of the stuff will help active the anti-hangover thingies in your gut for a good 18-hours after consumption. I'm certainly intrigued, but I won't believe it until I see it. If I didn't have a toddler, I'd accept this as a challenge — but for now, I guess you're going to have to take the company's word for it.