Musk is right: removing headlines from automatic shared-site embeds is less cluttered, you don't end up with the commonplace doubling of the same or similar headline text, and "esthetic." However, it probably makes it easier to do confusing things with "social media previews," and more likely you'll click thinking you're zooming an image only to find yourself opening an off-site URL. His motives, though, are typically user-averse: he wants people to post their content directly to Twitter, and pay for the privilege.
Musk also has revealed that he's not a fan of links posted to X — since they drive people off the service — and that the platform's content algorithm deprioritizes links. In response to someone who shared data purporting to show a steep decline in referrals to news sites from X and Facebook over the last two years, he posted on Oct. 3: "Our algorithm tries to optimize time spent on X, so links don't get as much attention, because there is less time spent if people click away." Musk added, "Best thing is to post content in long form on this platform."
The rightest thing to do, of course, is to not show those site-previewing embeds at all, because it was never much more than a engagement swindle foisted on users and publishers by the MBAs. But that horse is an ancestral memory.