The Kindle web browser, long an intriguing but rudimentary "experiment" on the e-ink devices, is now "actually usable," writes Brad Linder at Lilliputing.
When I visited the Liliputing home page with my 11th-gen Kindle Paperwhite using the old browser, I saw a text-only page that couldn't even display the name of the website. But after updating the firmware on my Kindle, the same page showed the Liliputing logo, images associated with each article, and the mobile navigation menu. It also did a better job of displaying different font sizes and types for headlines, article content, and metadata. Don't get me wrong, you still won't get all the features available from a modern desktop or smartphone browser. When I visited YouTube I was greeted with a message saying that my device was no longer supported and that I need to update to Android 4.0 or later to use YouTube.
Back in the day, making a website that worked on Kindle was, well, an intriguing but rudimentary feather in one's cap.