Nathan Fielder appears on Jimmy Kimmel Live claiming to be out of character for the first time

Nathan Fielder and Emma Stone were guests on "Jimmy Kimmel Live," promoting their new show "The Curse," and Fielder was sporting a studiously hipster look. It's revealed during the segment that he was hurt by a New York Times review of his performance as "limited" and "stiff," and so claimed that this new "loose" persona is the real him, and his stiff performances in this and other projects were acting feats in service to his "characters."

It's a funny bit, as the true nature of his affect is revealed, and he becomes increasingly pathetic in his attempts to counter the review's criticism. Emma Stone is a good sport, as she gamely plays along with his antics.

You can watch the appearance at the link below.

And by the way, the full review in The New York Times is not nearly as negative as Fielder plays it for laughs here.

Fielder is a more limited, stiff actor. (His credits include Dean Fleischer-Camp's surreal 2016 web series "David," which prefigures the horror-comedy of "The Curse.") But he custom fits Asher to his deadpan manner, like Bob Dylan writing for his own gravelly voice.