I don't remember where I stumbled across this website called GovDeals, but it is an online auction platform for government agencies to sell unwanted inventory. It has over 15,000 sellers and 1 million registered buyers.
A quick look around the site reveals you can buy anything from medical equipment to pickup trucks to grand pianos, usually at rock-bottom prices. The catch is, you have to come and get the stuff yourself.
Here's a white grand piano that the Los Angeles unified school district wants to rid itself of. As of January 2, 2024, at 10 AM Pacific Time, the high bid is five dollars. The auction closes in two hours.
if you live in the Boston area and want some bashed-up cop cars, GovDeals has you covered.
Lucky residents of Oroville, California, can bid on a "Homemade Portable Toilet on Trailer" that's currently going for $10.
If you live in Ohio, you might be tempted to bid on this lot of old books, CDs, and comics, currently going for $50: