Tired of the usual streaming sites? Check out Curiosity Stream, now under $170

TL;DR: If you're tired of binging the same shows and want to learn more this year, consider watching documentaries on Curiosity Stream. Lifetime access is now only $169.97 (reg. $199) through January 21!

There's no denying it. Most (if not all!) of our favorite streaming platforms are going down in quality and up in price. If you're tired of watching the same old, same old and want to feel productive while watching TV, consider watching documentaries!

Fortunately, a top-rated documentary streaming platform is more affordable than ever. Curiosity Stream, the brainchild of John Hendricks, who also created Discovery Communications, is on sale for only $169.97 (reg. $199) through January 21!

Whether you're bored of your usual streaming content or simply want to learn something while binging TV, Curiosity Stream is the place to go. You can find your new favorite documentaries and docu-series, whether you're a fan of science, history, art, astronomy, or tech. Check out titles like The History of Home, Deep Time History, and Engineering the Future!

Curiosity Stream is user-friendly and offers thousands of original, high-quality documentaries and docu-series, with new content added frequently. You can watch in HD (1920×1080) on your smartphone, tablet, or laptop and enjoy synced content, meaning you can resume your streaming sesh on any of your devices.

Access also allows you to stream online and offline content. You'll never be bored while road-tripping or flying ever again! You can even find customized content with the platform's awesome search tools, as well as bookmark documentaries and shows you want to watch. 

Curiosity Stream is so awesome that it has a 4.7-star rating out of five on the App Store, and the platform even won an Emmy for Outstanding Graphic Design & Art Direction for Stephen Hawking's Favorite Places, a trilogy narrated by Stephen Hawking himself!

This new year, don't settle for boring, unimaginative content.

Grab a lifetime subscription to the Curiosity Stream Standard Plan for just $169.97 until January 21 at 11:59 p.m. Pacific. No coupon is needed!

StackSocial prices subject to change.