Did you know that scorpions glow under ultraviolet light?
Almost all species of scorpions glow a bright greenish-blue color under UV light. Although these insects freak me out due to their ability to cause a painful sting, they look pretty cool when they glow like this.
Scientists still have some questions as to why scorpions do this. If you live in a scorpion-filled area, hanging a UV light in your bedroom may help you spot them on the walls or floor.
From Youtube:
"Under UV light, almost all species of scorpions glow a bright green color, but why? A study led by Carl T. Kloock in 2011 found that the fluorescence seemed to help scorpions detect and avoid ultraviolet light.
In 2012, further research published in the journal Animal Behavior by Douglas Gaffin of the University of Oklahoma tested how scorpions reacted to both ultraviolet and blue-green light with their eyes blocked and unblocked. They showed a stronger avoidance reaction to ultraviolet light than expected from the sensitivity of their eyes, and even stronger avoidance when they were exposed to green light with their eyes blocked."