A gentleman in Seattle was irate on Tuesday when he heard how much his drive-thru coffee was going to cost. So instead of either paying or returning the coffee and driving away, he argued, threatened her, and then threw his coffee at the server in the window.
But the quick barista not only closed her window before getting splashed, she then whipped out a hammer and smashed it into his windshield.
"At what point are we told we're supposed to just wait for it to get worse," barista and shop owner Emma Lee told KIRO 7, explaining that the man had told her, "Nobody's going to miss you."
"Disrespect and violence are two different things. I can handle the disrespect. The violence … that's where the line is crossed."
"It's one thing to yell, it's one thing to get mad, it's one thing to even be outside of your car and try to threaten me," she added. "But to actually have the action behind it, it changed things for me where I was like, 'Oh no.'" (See surveillance footage of her quick reflexes shown on KIRO here.)
From KIRO:
She said customers tried to step in and talk the man down for about 10 minutes, but it quickly escalated.
In the video, the man says, 'nobody's going to miss you.' Lee said that's when she felt threatened.
"Oh, okay so you have no problem harming me, you're making that clear," she said. …
Even with a smashed windshield, Lee said he refused to leave, and she had no other option but to call the cops.
"The police came, and they got him to leave, right. It was understood that what happened is, he assaulted me, and I responded," Lee explained.
Although this wasn't the first time the barista had dealt with this angry man, and police "understood" that he had just threatened her, no arrests were made.
Previously: Angry gentleman plows into Moonlite Bunny Ranch with 18-wheeler while women sleeping