At a recent public appearance, criminal fraudster Donald Trump froze for 22-seconds during his speech. It may have well lasted more than 22 seconds, but we'll never know because a Fox News commentator hurriedly pulled away, stating, "While the president is on pause here, we'll…"
Many redditors were quick to point out the peculiarity of referring to Trump as "the President." But's that's just Fox being Fox, innit?
The incident drew comparisons to recent episodes involving Senator Mitch McConnell, with one wag calling him "Glitch McConnell" and suggesting that "Trump should retire too. But his ego won't let him." Others said "Trump.exe has crashed," and "Orange Screen of Death."
Another redditor speculated, "This looks like a TIA, which is a mini stroke. He doesn't lose body function when one side of the body is paralyzed for months to years, but he loses verbal ability for a few minutes. My dad had this."
Another redditor suggested that Trump was listening to his audience, which is doubtful because Trump never listens to anyone but Putin and Alex Jones.