I love to hate AI, and I also hate to love that it's so incredibly good at creating grotesque content. This video of an AI Gordon Ramsay making an obscene mess in the kitchen, which, according to EVOLVING AI, was "made with the new Chinese AI video model Minimax by Hailuo AI," is an exemplar of the genre.
It was originally created and shared by Redditor u/love1008 and features AI Gordon Ramsay whisking ferociously, throwing giant bags of flour into the air, and creating massive kitchen fires. For me, the video reaches peak grotesque when AI Gordon Ramsay encounters a gargantuan mound of spaghetti. AI really doesn't know how to deal with spaghetti, and now I'm going to have grotesque spaghetti nightmares. Thanks, AI!
• Academic fraud endemic in published research, from photoshopped blots to AI slop