Bizarre mystery blobs appearing on Canada beach

Bizarre white blobs have appeared on beaches across Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. Nobody know what the hell they are.

"They are like touton dough and all over the beach," posted one resident, Philip Grace, on the Beachcombers Facebook group. "These were in sizes ranging from dinner plate size right down to a toonie [Canadian 2-dollar coin]."

Governmental group Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) is currently investigating what they describe as the "mystery substance."

"To date, ECCC has conducted several aerial, underwater and manual surveys of the beaches and shorelines in the area to determine the extent of the substance, what it is and its potential source," spokesperson Samantha Bayard told CBS News. "At this time, neither the substance nor its source has been identified."

It "could be plant-based," she said, but more analysis must be conducted "before a final determination can be made on the substance and its potential impacts."

image: Environment and Climate Change Canada
image: Environment and Climate Change Canada

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