Tom Whitwell's annual collection of 52 fascinating facts returns, featuring expensive calculators and trademarked scents

For the last several years, Tom Whitwell, has written an annual list of 52 things he's learned that year. He just posted his new one.

Here are five samples:

There are just 16 trademarked scents in the US, including Crayola crayons, Playdoh, an ocean-scented soft play in Indiana and a type of gun cleaner that smells of ammonium and kerosene. [Via Gabrielle E. Brill]

Casio sells a premium desk calculator called the S100X-BK. It has exactly the same functions as a normal calculator but is handmade in Japan from milled aluminium. It costs £359.99. [darkhorse_log]

You can buy 200 real human molars for $900. [B for Bones, via Lauren]

In the US, table saws are responsible for around 4,300 amputations per year. All other products are responsible for 3,600 amputations per year combined. [Ben Blatt]

Between the 1920s and 1950s, millions of 'enemies of the people' — often educated elites — were sent to prison camps in the Soviet Union. Today, the areas around those camps are more prosperous and productive than similar areas. [Toews & Vézina]

One thing I learned this year is that Tom made modular synthesizer, called the Music Thing Modular Workshop System. "It's slightly smaller than a hardback book and comes in a foam-lined hard case."

52 interesting things Tom Whitwell learned in 2022
A list of productivity and collaboration lessons from The Beatles
Music Thing's Tiny Music Makers series