Take a crack at Severance's macrodata refinement

The brilliant Apple TV+ sci-fi series Severance has returned for a second season, and our intrepid macrodata refiners are back at their jobs. Of course, no one knows what microdata refining actually is, although there are many theories. At lumon-industries.com, you can play the role of a macrodata refiner. Your job is to sort groups of numbers based on how they make you feel.

If you get it right, the numbers go into one of five bins, and you fill up that bin's progress bar. Get it wrong, and you get a thumbs down and a big "Nope."

Play with your browser in full-screen view for the most realistic experience. If you complete sorting the data, you will be rewarded with a Wordle-esque share screen.

In refining 4E81C1:7EBD9F (Narva) in 00h 11m 37s 716ms I have brought glory to the company.
Praise Kier.
mdrlumon #severance 🧇🐐🔢💯

No finger traps or waffle parties for you this time. Praise Keir.

Previously: Severance but with the theme from The Office (US)