Celebrate Hanukkah with "Happy Chinooka," a lively and catchy song by Israeli-American rapper Kosha Dillz, also known as Rami Even-Esh. The track is created and backed by the eclectic Brooklyn-based bluegrass hip-hop group, Gangstagrass, and the music video is set in a Brooklyn dive bar, featuring a whole cast of characters. — Read the rest
Rench writes, "Relix magazine just premiered this live video of Gangstagrass (previoulsy), the pioneers of authentically mixed bluegrass and hip-hop. The energy crackles on this captivating stage performance. Can't decide which is hotter, the emcees dynamic flow or the banjo and dobro players going into overdrive on the solos.
Mashup artist Rench has released a free album of "gangstagrass" music — hiphop mashed with bluegrass. The mixes are really good, in that, "Hey, who knew those two really different flavors worked so well together?" way that makes mashups so much fun to listen to. — Read the rest
Gweek is a podcast where the editors and friends of Boing Boing talk about comic books, science fiction and fantasy, video games, TV shows, music, movies, tools, gadgets, apps, and other neat stuff. — Read the rest
Rench sez, "The previously BoingBoinged bluegrass hip-hop band Gangstagrass shares an exclusive premiere of their live video for 'Gunslinging Rambler featuring R-SON' – showing that this has gone way beyond a mash-up. Witness rapper, dj, and bluegrass band rocking the stage together at one of their face-melting shows in Brooklyn. — Read the rest
Rench sez, "This Anchorage Daily News job fair ad I saw online seems to feature a woman dressed as Cory Doctorow. I really don't see any other explanation."