Finally, new photos of America's spy centers, shot by Trevor Paglen for The Intercept

Photographer Trevor Paglen produced a series of images of US spy headquarters so bloggers like us can finally have some new images to top our posts about NSA leaks. The photos appear in newly-launched digital mag The Intercept, the first of a number of digital publications which will be launched by the Omidyar/Greenwald/etc venture First Look Media — and they attempt to answer the question, "What does a surveillance state look like?"

The Thing The Book: a monument to the book as object

Wink is a site that's dedicated to the unique and glorious qualities of the print book. Similarly, The Thing The Book celebrates all aspects of this amazing medium that revolutionized the world. Created by John Herschend and Will Rogan, the Bay Area artists behind one of my favorite subscription-based art projects, The Thing Quarterly, The Thing The Book gathers together over 30 well-known writers, artists, photographers, and thinkers, and asks them to riff on some traditional element of the book: cover, bookplate, table of contents, footnotes, endnotes, index, endpapers, etc. — Read the rest

Boing Boing Ingenuity: Vaudeville for Happy Mutants!

Boing Boing: Ingenuity's second day will be a mind-bending theatrical experience of presentations, performances, oddities, and wonder taking place at a opulent former Masonic Lodge. We are thrilled to announce our line-up for this experience we've come to think of as vaudeville for Happy Mutants.