100 photos from the Chicago mega-convention

100 photos from the Chicago mega-convention
Solo: A Star Wars Story, the latest Star Wars feature film and Disney's fourth, offers something new even as it stays connected to the old. I have a few gripes,… Read the rest of the article: Actually, Solo is good
Cindy Wilson of the B-52s has dropped a solo record called Change, and as the name suggests, it's nothing like what you'd expect from the founding member of a band… Read the rest of the article: Cindy Wilson of the B-52s Drops Surprising Solo Album
Star Wars Celebration Orlando 2017 has come to a close. For my husband and me, both Celebration virgins, the event did not disappoint. Sure, there were ridiculously early mornings trying… Read the rest of the article: Plenty of Jedi at the Star Wars Celebration
Stop what you're doing and buy the new omnibus graphic novel of Teri S. Wood's 1990s comic series Wandering Star. It's amazing. Splendtacular, even. Set in the future, it is… Read the rest of the article: Teri S. Wood's Wandering Star Gets New Omnibus Graphic Novel
As a huge Star Wars fan (previously), I went in expecting to love The Force Awakens, and was not disappointed. But I think you are going to love it, too, because this film is pretty much the opposite of the reviled prequel trilogy.
A child of the 80s, I recently rediscovered my love of the He-Man and the Masters of the Universe cartoons and toys. So naturally, I've done everything in my power… Read the rest of the article: He-Man and Skeletor character designs improved by children
A gallery of the child-whipping Alpine demon that haunted our holiday
In my spare time, when I'm not protecting wildlife with the National Wildlife Federation or guest-blogging for Animal Planet and here at Boing Boing, I'm also the co-host of a… Read the rest of the article: Interview with Elfquest's Wendy and Richard Pini
Zack Giallongo is an illustrator and comics artist. His graphic novel Broxo is full of adventure, and his original comic Ewoks: Shadow of Endor is a must-read for Star Wars… Read the rest of the article: Artist Gallery: Zack Giallongo
It doesn't get cuter than Benjamin the baby goat. This BBC video has been making the rounds on social media, and you can practically hear the collective "SQUUUUUUEEEEEEE!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqnB4etLYZw I'm totally going to own that the homoerotic undercurrent of the History Channel series Vikings is one of its biggest draws. But the series is more than just Viking… Read the rest of the article: Why I love Vikings
The world of Bigfoot is no stranger to shysters and hoaxers. In fact, the entire phenomenon could be nothing more than a mix of chicanery, misidentification and gullibility. Yet the… Read the rest of the article: Is Blinky the bigfoot really Todd Standing?
The holidays are here and everyone is shopping for their hams and turkeys. Enjoy this cautionary tale from The B-52s frontman Fred Schneider's side project, The Superions. After you've learned… Read the rest of the article: Celebrate Christmas with stolen hams and crazed yetis
Grant Gould is probably most well known for his Star Wars trading card art and illustrating two Star Wars books, Draw Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Draw Star Wars:… Read the rest of the article: The art of Grant Gould
After seeing my post here on Boing Boing that featured my giant Ewok Village diorama, the folks at the Who Wars podcast reached out to interview me about it—just one… Read the rest of the article: Who Wars: Star Wars and Doctor Who in one podcast
This is the single most amazing Christmas tree idea I have even seen. It had to be done and Wolfen Moondaughter was the one to do it. See more on… Read the rest of the article: Merry Christmas from Groot and Rocket
These days, television networks air completely fictitious productions as non-fiction documentaries on subjects such as the extinct Megalodon shark or mermaids.
SNL alum and Portlandia star Fred Armisen cameos in B-52s founding member Kate Pierson's video for Mister Sister from her upcoming solo album Guitars and Microphones.
Artist Butch McLogic digitally paints a piece called "John of Venus." I'm blown away at the subtle shading and the detail.