Eric White's oil paintings: "Paranoid Social Realism"

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I first encountered Eric White's freaked-out figurative paintings in 1992 or so when Bart Nagel, art direct of the pioneering cyberdelic magazine Mondo 2000, commissioned him to illustrate the issue #6 cover story about JFK and LSD. Last weekend, Bart visited Eric's solo art show, All Of This Has Not Occurred, at Los Angeles's Martha Otero Gallery and told me that his mind was suitably blown. — Read the rest

S.F. tomorrow (8/8): Boing Boing, the Beats, and Underground Publishing

Allen ginsberg william burroughs and sphinx 1953

If you're in the San Francisco Bay Area, I hope you'll join me tomorrow evening, August 8, for "Boing Boing Presents: The Beats' Influence on Underground Publishing," a panel discussion at the Contemporary Jewish Museum. The program is part of "Beat Memories: The Photographs of Allen Ginsberg," an intimate portrait of the Beat generation in the form of Ginsberg's snapshots. — Read the rest

Mark joins Cool Tools

In the mid- to late-1980s, Kevin Kelly was editor of Whole Earth Review, which was my favorite magazine (it’s no longer around, but it’s still my
favorite). It’s where I learned about zines, Factsheet Five, fractals, desktop publishing, the Well, artificial life, lucid dreaming, memetics,
virtual reality, smart drugs, the Church of the SubGenius, creative computing, and many other things that intrigued me and pointed to a different way of
living and thinking. — Read the rest

Defining the Reality Hackers

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In the cyberdelic lineage of RU Sirius's publishing efforts, the 1980s 'zine High Frontiers morphed into Reality Hackers which eventually evolved into the massively-influential Mondo 2000. The transition from a "psychedelic magazine with a tech gloss" to a "tech magazine with a psychedelic gloss" was spurred primarily by its editors' growing interest in cyberpunk, virtual reality, smart drugs, and weird science. — Read the rest

What it's like to take belladonna

Entry #20 in the Mondo 2000 History Project is R.U. Sirius' entertaining essays about his horrible belladonna experience in 1968.

NewImageIt was early in the summer of 1968. Myself and my friends had heard stories about people taking this drug, Asthamador, that you could buy in the drug store that contained belladonna.

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Cyberpunk dress code, circa 1990

A 20-year-old photo spread from pioneering cyberculture zine Mondo 2000 asks the musical question: "R U a cyberpunk?" Bruce Sterling, who was, in fact, a cyberpunk, answers: "Since 20 years have passed, contemporary people will fail to realize that this was a comical self-parody." — Read the rest

Help Plazm Magazine's 20th anniversary issue go to press

Founded in 1991, Plazm is a wonderful Portland-based magazine of culture/art/design. Old-school bOING bOING pal Tiffany Lee Brown (aka Magdalen) is at the core of the Plazm collective. I've known Tiffany for nearly two decades, as she was a vital force in the vibrantly weird-yet-productive early cyberculture scene around Mondo 2000, Fringeware Review, and bOING bOING. — Read the rest

From bOING bOING Issue 3: Rudy Rucker interview

 2011 05 27 Bb3 Cover

bOING bOING was a zine that my wife Carla and I launched in 1988 to
cover comic books, cyberpunk science fiction, consciousness
technology, curious phenomena, and whatever else surprised and
delighted us. That zine, which ran for 15 issues until 1997, evolved
into the very website you're reading right now. — Read the rest