Copyfight Teespring removes Techdirt's "Copying is Not Theft" tees for copyright infringement, and won't discuss the matter any further Cory Doctorow
scholarship Even without explicit collusion, pricing algorithms converge on price-fixing strategies Cory Doctorow
youtube Sony won't let you post "crap recordings" of a few seconds of your own Beethoven piano performance Cory Doctorow
machine learning Tumblr's porn filter blocked Tumblr's images illustrating what Tumblr's porn filter won't block Cory Doctorow
computer science A bot has been finding bugs and submitting patches for them, successfully masquerading as a human Cory Doctorow
corruption New York Attorney General expands law-enforcement investigation into the bots that killed Network Neutrality Cory Doctorow
security A year later, giant Chinese security camera company's products are still a security dumpster-fire Cory Doctorow
Business US governmental requests for comment are routinely flooded by pro-corporate bots Cory Doctorow
drugs Twitterbot mines Venmo's public-by-default transactions and tweets presumably sarcastic drug buys and sexual services Cory Doctorow
Business In two days, an EU committee will vote to crown Google and Facebook permanent lords of internet censorship Cory Doctorow
security FBI sinkholes a key domain used by the malware that infected 500,000 home routers, declares partial victory and Russian attribution Cory Doctorow
happy mutants DoNotPay bot launches a cheap airline ticket that automates the nearly impossible business of getting refunds when prices fall Cory Doctorow
Business Exiled Cambodian opposition leader sues Facebook in California over allegations of collusion with Cambodia's dictator Cory Doctorow
Business New York Times profiles a sleazy Twitter follower-farm, the sleazy serial liar who made millions on it, and the celebs, politicians, sports figures and "influencers" who paid him Cory Doctorow
politics Research report explains how adtech supercharges political deceit, allowing even bumblers to be master propagandists Cory Doctorow