experimental music How to make extra-long, strange, and trippy tape loops inside a standard cassette Lux Sparks-Pescovitz
music Listen to this lovely imaginary forest created with cassette players, a turntable, field recordings, and synthetic bird calls David Pescovitz
music Relax with this 1984 ambient cassette, "a psychoacoustic catalyst specifically designed to facilitate the movement and release of spiritual and emotional energies" David Pescovitz
Musical instruments Check out this cool Japanese guitar from the 80s with a built-in cassette player Thom Dunn
Comics The Mountain Goats have a new song about Marvel Comics with possibly the longest title ever Thom Dunn
music Listen to the deeply weird rock covers on the mysterious "Woodstock Al" cassette David Pescovitz
music Cassette Store Day is coming, when you'll be able to pick up the Beastles "Ill Submarine"! Cory Doctorow
music Spectacular "Ambient Walkman Symphony" and other tape-loop, circuit bent performances David Pescovitz