surveillance Toronto business and government signal full support for Sidewalk Labs' dominance of the city and beyond Rosemary Frei
canada Internal docs reveal that Canada's Exxon subsidiary knew about climate change risks and lied about it for decades Cory Doctorow
canada Alberta's tax-funded climate denial "war room" ripped off its logo from a US tech company Cory Doctorow
Audio Talking with the Left Field podcast about Sidewalk Labs's plan to build a surveilling "smart city" in Toronto Cory Doctorow
privacy Public treated to obfuscation at Waterfront Toronto meeting on negotiations with Google sister company over surveillance district Rosemary Frei
canada Sidewalk Labs' quiet plan for Canada's banks to manage a national digital ID for health care and housing Lilian Radovac
privacy Toronto approves Google's surveillance city, despite leaks revealing Orwellian plans Cory Doctorow
toronto Leaked document reveals that Sidewalk Labs' Toronto plans for private taxation, private roads, charter schools, corporate cops and judges, and punishment for people who choose privacy Cory Doctorow
politics Billionaire newspaper monopolist family cancels editorial cartoonist after anti-Trump drawing Cory Doctorow
law Countries with longer copyright terms have access to fewer books (pay attention, Canada!) Cory Doctorow
happy mutants The Canadian government has released the surprisingly sensible results of its extensive, year-long review of copyright law Michael Geist
privacy Canadian Civil Liberties Association sues Toronto, Ontario, and Canada over the plan for a Google Sidewalk Labs "smart city" in Toronto Cory Doctorow
twitter On the eve of a contentious election, Twitter suspends the accounts of progressive activists Cory Doctorow
health Ontario's low-budget Trump-alike wants to eliminate sedation for people getting colonoscopies Cory Doctorow
law A month after the statutory restoration of expat Canadians' voting rights, Supreme Court says taking those rights away was illegal Cory Doctorow
Business Bell Canada asks Canadians for permission to harvest and sell their browsing, location, viewing and other data Cory Doctorow