Copyfight Failed white supremacist "law-and-order" Toronto mayoral candidate is now breaking the law by selling Canadian coat-of-arms merch Cory Doctorow
law Ontario court rules that Uber can't use arbitration to keep its drivers from suing it Cory Doctorow
music Bryan Adams to Canadian parliament: extending the term of copyright enriches labels and other intermediaries, not artists Cory Doctorow
corruption Sorting the spin from the facts: how big can the surveilling city that Sidewalk Labs plans for Toronto get? Rosemary Frei
canada Outstanding podcast on the Canadian government's plan drop $600m on a bailout for the national press Cory Doctorow
canada CBC's longstanding tech columnist condemns the broadcaster's cozy relationship with Facebook Cory Doctorow
corruption Thunder Bay: podcast about Canada's hate crime and murder capital is a cross between Serial and Crimetown Cory Doctorow
canada Ontario businesses want trumpy Doug Ford to kill leave for domestic abuse survivors, allow mandatory high heeled shoes Cory Doctorow
canada Trumpian Ontario premier Doug Ford will gut Toronto's city council to punish his Tory rivals Cory Doctorow
tories Canadian Conservative parliamentarian accuses black rival of "thinking the world revolves around her skin colour" Cory Doctorow
elections Revenge of the Laughable Bumblefucks: Rob Ford's brother admits that actors were hired to pretend to be his supporters at rally Cory Doctorow